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So, you already have a bamboo fixie, recycled tire-tread sandals, an all-wool kit with real chamois pad, and organic yak butter to keep it pliable?

Well, that's great, but are you still navigating by iPhone, Android, Garmin?

Hey, Hipster Hero, let's be real about getting back to basics. You could drop that device and smash the screen. The battery will run out, sooner or later. If it's a phone, your boss, significant other, anyone could call you in and spoil your ride.

You're staring at a washed-out screen the size of an index card and relying on signals from satellites swooping past, hundreds of kilometers above you! A Presidential Executive Order could shut all of them off, just like that, and then what would you do?

Executive order

Getting lost is a real pain. Find Your Way Home (or to your secret cave, deep in the wilderness) with ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS, the Navigation System That Will Never Let You Down. Buy your ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS kit Now and never worry about getting lost again!

The compact RideWithoutGPS kit fits conveniently into a pannier, touring bag or handlebar bag. It includes large, easy-to-read maps which come to life under Full Natural Sunlight, and a top-quality orienteering compass with lanyard. RideWithoutGPS maps are printed in petroleum-free inks on environment-friendly recycled cellulose fiber products. ShelBroCo has resumed production of the famed Multito belt-driven cyclometer, which records trip mileage and total mileage! An optional convenient Olive Oil Lamp and matchbook are available for nighttime use. With only a few minutes of simple calculation, determine your trip time and average speed. Lumosity-approved!


Simplify, simplify!

H. D. T., Concord, Massachusetts

Es funktioniert überall in allen Ländern!

Alexander von H., Kalifornien

Go West, young man!

Horace. G., New York

Follow the Drinking Gourd, or if it's cloudy, use ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS!

Harriet T., undisclosed location

Spoke Divider

ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS Products

ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS Carry-Kit: $ 799.95

leather kit bag

Designed and made for us by Gilles Berthoud components:
   Real leather; water-resistant and lasts a lifetime

With your choice ofShelBroCo map collections: $ 299.95 each

Make America Yours Collection:

Delorme Atlases

American Cycletrack Collection:

phildelphia map

From PeopleforBikes:
  Low-stress bicycling,
  protected from collision
    until the moment of

Stay Really Safe Collection:


Go as far as you please but
never wander far from home!

Custom Map Collection:

We survey for you and indicate recommended routes! Call for prices!

pbp map

And for your nighttime rides:
The ShelBroCo Olive Oil Lamp Kit: $ 199.95

Oil Lamp

ShelBroCo Olive Oil lamp:
  Easy to carry, easy to replenish!

Shelbroco olive oil

ShelBroCo Extra-Virgin Olive Oil:
Suitable for campfire cooking, salad dressing,
-- and the ShelBroCo Olive Oil Lamp.

ShelBroCo matchbook:
Light your ShelBroCo Olive Oil Lamp. Or use matches directly to read your maps at night.

Determined to keep track of your miles without your GPS app?
Multito Cyclometer: $ 89.95


Drive pulley and belt

Odd-size wheel, or you are a stickler for accuracy? Instruction book: recalculation. or -- Custom drive pulley, sized to your specifications. Call for estimate.

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Order Yours Today!!!

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Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee!!!*

*Guaranteed for the life of the user, or two weeks, whichever comes first. Void where prohibited, prohibited where void, keep away from children and animals, use only with adequate ventilation. Note: Misuse of this product may lead to death or even serious injury!

Spoke Divider

You can pay for purchases and services or just send money to us.

Send Money
Products (Try them all!)
ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS™ Carry-Kit: $799.95
ShelBroCo map collections $299.95 each
Make America Yours Collection
American Cycletrack Collection
Stay Really Safe Collection
ShelBroCo Olive Oil Lamp Kit $199.95
Multito Cyclometer $89.95

NOTE:ShelBroCo RideWithoutGPS products can be shipped only to a valid postal address! Not shippable to any Web site, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter or other vaporware address! Shipping (USA) (1-100) Zone 1 $99.95 Zone 2 $159.95 Zone 3 $199.95 Zone 4 $259.95.Zone 5 $599.95. Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii, and outside the USA: by arrangement.

Amount (Sending Limit: $999,534.35 (USD))

In Commemoration of
The Inventor of the ,
Nanodrive, Product W, Carrababy, Tork-Grip Universal Torque Wrench,
Real MAN Saddles, Symmetrispokes, the Geomagnetic Booster, and
POWerwheels, Sheldon "Genius, But Modest" Brown
George Brown photo

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Order Yours Today!!!

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Check Out All These
Fine ShelBroCo Products:
and these products
from our sponsors:

Spoke Divider

Just say no to GPS!

Image Credits: Background: John Allen, Trump: US News, Carry Kit: Kasperi, Delorme map collection:, Philadelphia Cycletrack map:, Velodrome:, PBP map: Michelin Maps & Harriet Fell, Oil lamp: Arne Hückelheim, Wikipedia, Olive oil: Alex Ex, Wikipedia Matchbook: & Harriet Fell, Multito: "big chainring" on, Garmin GPS: Garmin & John Allen

Articles by Sheldon Brown and Others

Since April 1, 1995

Copyright © 2017 Harriet Fell, John Allen

Harris Cyclery Home Page

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Last Updated: by Harriet Fell